Ammatoa Kajang vernacular houses are buildings that have existed for a hundred years\nas residential house buildings. These traditional houses are unique in their use of bent piles. This\nresearch examines the strength of the structural system of Ammatoan vernacular houses based on\nsaid houses' ability to adapt to various environmental conditions and natural phenomena. This\nstudy seeks to enrich these studies by examining the specific structural strength of these buildings.\nIn the face of modernization and extreme climate change, the continued existence of such traditional\nhouses has been threatened. Disaster may strike at any time, and as such we must explore the\nstructural strength of their structures to predict these buildings' ability to endure such events. This\nresearch applies an interpretative model to explore the structural system, using a load test to\nexamine the houses' structural strength. Although such a model assumes that each building has the\nsame pitch, each house has its own pitch. Therefore, the measurement results cannot be applied\ngenerally to describe the structural strength of every Ammatoan house. This research also notes that\nthe pin joint system, material selection, and application of a grounded foundation are factors that\npromote these buildings' continued endurance and ability to withstand earthquakes.